
01-10-2024 - 04-10-2024

The Big Science Business Forum 2024 edition took place in Trieste, Italy 1-4 October. Six industrial liaison officers from the BigScience.NL network travelled to Trieste with 18 companies representing the high-tech industry on the shared stand covering an area of 24 square meters in which each company had a panel showcasing their particular competences. 
The plenary programme focused on general information from the Big Science Organisation (BSO) and the efforts towards the realisation of a common market for the industry. In each of the 12 parallel sessions there was a single domain about which the BSOs presented their needs for the coming years. In these sessions the Dutch industry representative learnt about the opportunities for them in various domains. 
To understand the details about these opportunities, there was the possibility for business-to-business meetings in which industry representatives could discuss with both procurement officers or technical experts from BSOs.
To stress the collaboration with Belgium with respect to the future Einstein Telescope and activities in the nuclear domain, we organised drinks at our booths, which were located across from each other. Representatives from the Dutch and Belgian embassies started this get together with short speeches stressing the benefits of the ongoing collaborations.
This was a little precursor for the event that took place at the end of the BSBF2024, as together with Belgium we were presented as the host for the BSBF2026 that will take place in Maastricht. Representatives of the ministry of Economic Affairs, who submitted the bid, were present to receive the torch together with a Belgium government representatives. To celebrate the occasion, representatives of the ministry of Science Education and Culture and the National Science Foundation had come to Trieste.