ESS Industriedag 12 maart 2014 groot succes


The European Spallation Source ESS   An Opportunity for Dutch Organisations and Companies

Delft, 12 March 2014


09:30 Registration and welcome coffee

10:30 Welcome H.T. (Bert) Wolterbeek, director Reactor Institute Delft

10:45 Introduction by the chairman of the ESS Partnerday A.G.A. (Toon) Verhoeven, Industrial Liaison Officer ESS

10:55 The importance of the ESS for R&D in the Netherlands J.W.A. (Jeannette) Ridder, Dutch Ministry of Education

11:05 The European Spallation Source and The Netherlands N. (Nico) Kos, Senior Manager (International) Innovation Programme NWO


11:15 Coffee break


11:35 ESS overview J.H. (James) Yeck, Chief Executive & Director General, ESS

12:00 Science at ESS / Instruments and Future Users – how the Netherlands can be involved D.N. (Dimitri) Argyriou, Science Director, ESS

12:25 The Dutch in-kind contribution: present state and perspectives C. (Katia) Pappas, Head of the Neutron and Positron Materials research group, TU Delft

12:50 Lunch break


13:30 The Machine / The Accelerator H. (Håkan) Danared, Deputy Head of Accelerator Division, ESS

13:45 The Target Station J. (John) Haines, Head of Target Division, ESS

14:00 The In-Kind Contributions A. (Allen) Weeks, Deputy Director of Project Support and Administration

14:15 Procurement and ILO Network A. (Allen) Weeks, Deputy Director of Project Support and Administration

14:30 Presentations by Dutch Companies

Ronald Dekker Demaco
Cock Heemskerk HIT
Hans Priem VDL-ETG
Victor Pastoor Grontmij
Hans Poolman Amsterdam Scientific Instruments
Erwin Lenten Imtech
Sander Kossen Het Huygens Huys

15:30 Tea and cookies


15:50 Meet & Match

After the presentations we have scheduled Meet & Match where all the persons who have given a presentation will be ready to have further discussions with the audience. This will be organized as follows: we will have high tables where people can stand around and where the speakers are divided in small groups in accordance with their expertise. Furthermore, tables are reserved for the ILO's and also for the RID experts, so they are ready to answer any questions, as well.

Dutch governance Bert Wolterbeek; Jeannette Ridder; Nico Kos
ESS science & Instr. James Yeck; Dimitri Argyriou
ESS machine Håkan Danared; John Haines
ESS business Allen Weeks; Ute Gunsenheimer
Dutch scienc at ESS Brück Ekkes; Wim Bouwman
Dutch instrumentation at ESS Katia Pappas; Lambert van Eijck; Jeroen Plomp; Ad van Well
Het Huygens Huys Sander Kossen
HIT Cock Heemskerk
Imtech Erwin Lenten
Amsterdam Sc. Instr. Hans Poolman
Demaco Ronald Dekker
VDL-ETG Hans Priem
Grontmij Victor Pastoor
ILO's Rob Klöpping; Toon Verhoeven
organization André Groenhof; Kirsten Soekhoe; Yvonne Weijgertse-Janssen

17:15 Summary and Closing Remarks R. (Rob) Klöpping, Industrial Liaison Officers Network coordinator

17:30 Drinks reception & buffet