INPROCAP Kick-off meeting Denmark
11-06-2024 - 12-06-2024
The key objectives of the INPROCAP project include:
- Developing a Sustainable Advisory Platform: Establishing and enhancing the role of Industrial Liaison Officers (ILOs) to support innovation procurement.
- Integrating Innovative Procurement Practices: Introducing and standardizing advanced procurement practices across the Big Science market to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
- Encouraging Participation from Start-ups and SMEs: Motivating small and medium-sized enterprises from across Europe to engage in innovation procurement processes related to Big Science.
- Providing Specialist Advisory Services: Offering expert advice on innovation procurement to public procurers within BSOs, facilitated by dedicated officers.
- Standardizing Innovation Procurement: Making innovation procurement a standard tool within the Big Science sector to streamline and optimize the procurement process.
As the project progresses, it is expected to create significant opportunities for scientific advancement and strengthen the international market for Big Science infrastructure.
In INPROCAP, NWO-I/BigScience.NL is work package leader of WP2. Robbelien Kooistra was present during the kick-off meeting to present the activities and objectives of this work package and to discuss with the other consortium members the goals of the other work packages in the project.