Symposium Big Science – SRON


On November 14, SRON organized a symposium on Big Science, which highlighted many aspects of this growing international ecosystem. With more than 70 visitors this symposium was very well attended. Six speakers both from the science and industry domain, presented their views on the role of science and in particular the relation between science and innovation. A forum under the guidance of Martijn van Calmthout (Nikhef) addressed the policy issues to improve the Dutch position in this field. The symposium also offered the opportunity to say goodbye to Gerard Cornet, who has been active as a liaison between science and industry in the past decade, in particular in the role of coordinator of the Dutch ILO-net (

11.00 The International Ecosystem of Big Science (Leonardo Biagioni, F4E/ITER)
11.30 Scientific and technological challenges on the path to fusion electricity (Tony Donné, EUROfusion)
12.00 The developments around the Einstein Telescope (Jo van den Brand, Uni Maastricht/Nikhef)
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Connecting science and industry in astronomical research (Marco de Vos, ASTRON)
14.00 Future developments for interferometry and Big Data (Michael Wise, SRON)
14.30 The value of Big Science from an industry perspective (Hans Priem, VDL-ETG)
15.00 Break
15.30 Forum of experts and policy makers fueled by questions from the speakers
16.30-17.30 Reception and drinks